Where are the tallest buildings in Vancouver? Where are the towers with podiums, or the walk-up apartment buildings, or the single-family homes? What about the mountains? Interactive maps are sugary and delicious, so I wanted answer these questions with a new map!
I pulled the data from the City of Vancouver's building footprints (2009) dataset on their Open Data Catalogue and overlaid them onto a dark style of Open Street Map. I used Mapbox to pull it all together with some custom styling and interface work, making use of their amazing new extrusion properties.
Update: The map is now vector-based and 3D, meaning if you're on mobile or have a touchpad, you can zoom in/out as smoothly as you want, or even rotate the map! Soon I hope to get the roads up on top of the contour layers, but for now they're locked down in the depths.
Do you have other questions about this map or want to get in touch? Find me on Twitter @rbrtwhite. More to come!